音響系統﹣Sound System                                       

租賃器材 . Equipment rental





4.音箱Speaker 音響系統的主要靈魂,轉換電能為聲音的主要媒介,音箱被發明到現在100多年從來沒有變過,發聲的方式都系通過磁鐵影響線圈震動而產生空氣震動,聲音就這樣被產生了,喇叭也有功率的大小之分,靈敏度高的喇叭,聲音力量大,容易被推動,穿透力極強。

Audio equipment rentals

Whether you need audio for a panel of speakers, a general session ballroom presentation, or an outdoor event, Meeting Tomorrow has all of the equipment you'll need! Meeting Tomorrow offers sound system rental packages and live sound production services for meetings and events of All shapes and sizes nationwide.

View package solutions we've created for common room layouts below. Do not see your room layout listed? Any of our audio rental solutions can be custom-tailored for your event!

燈光系統﹣Lighting System                                       

燈光系統Lighting System,燈光系統種類繁多,主要的有這幾種,追光燈,聚焦舞台上的主角,使用最多的地方就係舞台劇及婚禮活動,光速燈最近兩年才研發出來的新產品,光柱的效果,就猶如科幻片的外星場景,效果非常震撼。最基本的燈光莫過於面光燈了,我們常說的P64,傳統P64有1000W,需要配合硅箱使用,因為用電量巨大,所以需要硅箱來分配及控制光亮度,目前使用最多的新產品LED P64,優點就係省電,壽命長.仲有製作環境氣氛的染色燈,有各種花色的圖案燈,有動態的激光燈等等。

視頻系統﹣Visual System                                       

視頻系統 Visual System主要有投影機,LCD TV及LED Wall,投影機可以製作不規則的投影效果,比如大樓外墻的3D投影效果,或是商品的特定投影,Lcd TV就是我們常見的,家裡也會有的電視機,科技發達製造出了超薄的高清電視,商業用途主要用在開會輔助顯示及臺前演講詞及歌詞顯示用,LED Wall就最常見到的大銀幕,室外室內都可以見到大小唔同的呎吋,晚會及一些大型活動中最常見到,用途非常廣泛。

Panel discussion package


(2) speakers on stands
(1) moderator microphone (wired or wireless handheld / lapel)
(1) audience Q & A microphone
(2-5) lapel or tabletop microphones for panel
All required cabling
Delivery, set-up & strike
On-site audio technician
Consider adding

Additional microphones
Presentation equipment
IPads or iPod Touches for interactive audience participation
Web conferencing services for remote participation
Audio / video capture & recording

Starting at $... For E-mail
Open event space package

(2-8) speakers on stands
(2) wired or wireless microphones
Interfaces to multiple audio sources (music, presentations, computer, live video)
All required cabling & accessories
Delivery, set-up & strike
On-site technician support
Consider adding

Lighting packages
Video monitors and interactive displays
Live video feeds
Tablets & interactive mobile apps
IPad kiosks
Projector & screen
Webcasting services

Starting at $... For E-mail
Press conference package


Microphone (wireless lapel, handheld, or podium mounted)
Sound system for amplification to group of up to 250
Press box / mult-box (enables direct audio patch by media into sound system)
All required cabling
Onsite technician support
Delivery, setup and strike
Consider adding

Additional microphones
IPads or other mobile devices
Upgraded sound system
Webcast production services

Starting at $... For E-mail
Outdoor sound package


(2) speakers on stands
(1) wireless handheld or lapel microphone
All required cabling
Delivery, set-up & strike
Power source not included
Consider adding

On-site audio technician
Additional microphones
Presentation equipment

Starting at $... For E-mail
Banquet room sound package

Applications: dinner meetings, galas, special events

(4) speakers on stands
(2) wired or wireless microphone
(1) 4-input mixer
Interfaces to outside audio sources (presentations, video, music, remote participants)
All required cabling
Onsite audio technician
Delivery, set-up & strike
Consider adding

Additional microphones
Projector and screen
Monitors or external displays
IPads / mobile technology
Presentation equipment
Starting at $... For E-mail
Meeting room sound package

(2) speakers on stands
(2) wired or wireless microphones
(1) 4-input mixer
Interfaces to external audio sources (i.e. presentations, videos, music, remote participants)
All required cabling
Delivery, set-up & strike
On-site audio technician
Consider adding

Additional or specialty microphones
Projector & screen
Video display monitors
IPads, laptops, mobile technology
Webcasting services (to allow live remote participation)
Audio / video recording (for transcription or later viewing)
Starting at $... For E-mail
PA system and sound system rentals
Private dining room package
Applications: dinner meetings, CME, sales presentations

(1 or 2) speakers on stands
(1) wired or wireless microphone
all required cabling
interface to computer or other outside audio source
delivery, set-up and meet & greet.
Consider adding
onsite technician
laptop, projector & screen, conference phone
iPads, tablets, mobile technology
webcast production & management services
Starting at $... For E-mail